About the Caucus

The Virginia Tech Hispanic and Latinx Caucus (formerly known as the Hispanic and Latino Faculty Staff Caucus) collaborates with the University Administration for the recruitment and retention of Hispanic and Latinx faculty, staff, and students.

We also support community efforts that commemorate the diverse cultures in this region. The Caucus aims to enhance the quality of education and life for all faculty, staff and students at Virginia Tech and residents in surrounding communities.

The Caucus was first formed in late Spring 2002, and began meeting in Fall 2002. The Caucus has a representative on the University-wide Commission on Equal Opportunity and Diversity. The Caucus also works closely with the various Hispanic and Latinx student organizations.

The Caucus also organizes, in collaboration with El Centro, the Virginia Tech Gesta Latina, a Hispanic/Latinx achievement ceremony that has been an annual tradition since 2005. The event celebrates the accomplishments of Hispanic and Latinx undergraduate and graduate students. Participating students receive a commemorative stole, which can be worn with their academic regalia. Gesta (which has the same meaning in Latin and Spanish) means deeds or accomplishments.

The Virginia Tech Gesta Latina is open to everyone. A traditional dinner reception immediately follows the ceremony.

Virginia Tech Hispanic and Latinx Caucus | Contact: vmontes@vt.edu